Senator Klein Lieu introduces bill to support Prop 30

CalSERVE Senator Klein Lieu introduced a bill in the ASUC Senate Wednesday to support Proposition 30, the Governor’s measure to raise marginal taxes over $250,000 and increase the state sales tax by half a cent to generate money for schools and public safety officers. The measure is expected to raise around $6.8 billion and provide $125 million for the University of California. The Regents have agreed to freeze tuition next year if the measure passes, but the University stands to lose $250 million if the measure fails.

CalSERVE will be campaigning this fall to increase voter awareness of Proposition 30 and the union-busting Prop 32, including a voter pledge drive and the production of a CalSERVE voter guide that will give the official CalSERVE positions on all the measures on this year’s ballot.

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