Budget crisis news and teach-in on 9/20

Recently, the CalSERVE community decided to prioritize fighting against the cuts as an on-going CalSERVE campaign for this year. These cuts threaten the public nature of the UC, it’s diversity, and it’s mission to create a more equal California.

Because of this, CalSERVE senators authored and, with support from independent and Student Action senators, passed a bill in the ASUC senate in support of the 9/24 student, faculty, and staff walkout.

CalSERVE signatories Mary June Flores and Isaac Miller also wrote an op-ed on the cuts that was published in the Daily Cal. It is available here.

On Sunday, 9/20 CalSERVE is holding a community teach-in/planning meeting on the cuts. The facebook event is available here.

The CalSERVE community urges you to inform yourself, inform your friends, and take action. For more information go to http://berkeleycuts.org

Thank you and we hope you become engaged in this struggle to defend public education in California!

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